How To Apply Online For Registration As A Real Estate Agent?

  Application for registration by the real estate agent.—  (1) Every real estate agent required to be registered as per sub-section (2) of section 9 of the Act by making application in writing to the Authority in Form ‘G’ annexed to this order, in triplicate, until the application procedure is made web-based, along with the following documents, namely:-  (a) the brief details of his...

DTCP Telangana: Online building Permission & Approval.

DTCP TelanganaDTCP (Directorate of Town and Country Planning). The dtcp authority is responsible for the approval of plots such as industrial, housing, and institutions. The department looks after the subject of planning and development in urban and rural areas. The development is achieved through Master Plans prepared for the urban centers and rural areas by way of Master Plans and indicative Land Use...

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