Below is the checklist of documents one must verify, validate before buying any plot of land in a rural or urban area that is free from current and future legal repercussions.
Everybody has a purpose of buying a piece of land. Some buy for constructing a house and some buy for future long-term investment which gives them returns in the form of money or money’s worth. Nowadays it has become an upward trend of land purchasers in the market at a rapid pace. In this trend do the land purchaser verify, procure documents before buying land? In most cases, people tend to skip the document verification process with a lack of knowledge which costs them their time, money, emotions and put them in legal troubles. So before proceeding to buy a land one must possess some amount of knowledge on legal terms of land, and screening the documents by self-assessing or should be assessed by a legal expert, a practicing lawyer who will give you the best possible advice.
Nowadays houses, plots are sold by an individual person or an entity like a company. Here a buyer comes in contact with the seller to purchase the plot. So the purchaser should cautiously ask for these below list of documents before making any payment of token.
If an individual buys from an entity or a Land Developers Company.
- Check the original sale and title deeds & details from agriculture landowners to the company.
- Title deed, to whom the land belongs to and how he got the land from.
- Link documents of the land from the Patta agriculture land to a venture.
- Check NALA permissions (Non-Agriculture Land Assessment) and their details.
- No Objection Certificates and all clearances of the revenue department.
- The master plan of the venture if it’s a venture made in HMDA, DTCP, GP limits.
- The layout or venture permission from statotory authorities, and approval letters from concerned HMDA, DTCP authorities.
- Verify L.P.no from drafted layouts to final layouts.
- Documents of Mortgage Deeds, Gift Deeds, Release Deeds, etc., of HMDA or DTCP authorities.
- Finally Registration of plot after thorough document proofreading.
Purchasing from the company is one of the safest forms of buying a plot which guarantees its customers the safest investment by giving all forms of assurances pre and post-registration by duly following all the norms with all legal experts. Half of the screening, validation is done by the company.
But still one has to get a legal opinion from a lawyer or an expert for screening of the documents.
Below is the checklist, if an individual buying land from the sole property owner or from a middleman
- Check Title Deed, Original Sale Deed, Link documents ownership rights from the seller.
- 30 years EC-Encumbrance Certificate duly signed from Stamps & Registrations Department.
- CC- Certified Copy duly signed from Stamps & Registrations Department.
- VLTA- Vacant Land Tax Assessment if any.
- Enquire about land if it is free from Prohibited List, FTL Land, Assigned Land, Government Land, Land in G.O. 111 if any, Local inquiry of land regarding legal disputes, boundary disputes, Family disputes, or court cases if any.
- Enquire if the venture is legal with valid approval documents and permissions.
- Check if the land is free from any Loans, Mortgages, Dual Registrations, and Family Disputes or in any Liabilities if any.
- LRS certificate if any.
- If he is a GPA(General Power of Attorney), SPA(Special Power Of Attorney) holder, get thoroughly check the valid documents.
- Avoid those lands that have done multiple chains of Sale of agreements, which may cause clumsy and unimaginable confusion among buyers.
- Last but not the least, give a News Paper Notification of property or land before buying.
- Finally, the purchaser has to speak to the seller or landowner and get his/her spouse, Legal heir’s consent before making a sale of agreement and at last prepare a strong legal document while registration and make his family members as a witness for due-course, unimaginable, unforeseen legal repercussions. Both the seller and purchaser should come to an agreement and sign all the legal documents in sound mind, without coercion, nor under any alcohol influence with free willingness.
- Do not agree to buy/sell a property on someone else’s behalf.
- Check PoA power of attorney, SPA Special Power of Attorney documents to whom it has given the authority to sell.
Purchasers tend to spend their hard-earned money for their better investment return or for the future of their next generation. one must go for various expert opinions, legal advice, legal opinions before buying a land. We spend a huge amount of money on buying but we spend very little on screening of legal clearances from an expert.
 If the documents are not up to the standards or don’t match up to the legal standards which are mentioned in the checklist. Do not hesitate to cancel the agreement because its a capital intensive. Non-presence of these documents may jeopardize your present and future. Â
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