HMDA ZONES: Categorization of land use zone regulations and its guidelines for various establishments?


HMDA has classified the land use into different zones which have been directly monitored and managed by authorities which has the final discretionary powers to give permissions for utilizing the land as per HMDA norms which are classified as follows:


 Residential Zone-1 

(Urban Areas connecting to Growth Corridor): Residential Zone falling within such connecting urban area, i.e. the area connecting outside Growth Corridor, wherein the detailed planning of roads and various urban use zones are proposed.

Residential Zone-2

 (Urban Nodes): Residential Zone falling within non-connecting urban areas, for which the detailed planning of roads and various urban use zones are proposed.

Residential Zone-3

 (Urban Centers): The remaining other urban centers along with their surrounding areas as earmarked in the proposed Land Use Plan. There is no detailed planning proposed herein presently, and the whole identified centers/areas are assigned Residential Land Use Zone.

 Residential Zone-4

 All the rural settlements- Village Settlement (Gramkantham) and the existing rural built-up area- as earmarked in the proposed Land Use Plan are assigned Residential Zone-4. For all these settlements, an additional 300 M wide belt outside the gramkhantam boundary shall also be considered as Residential Zone-4 to cater to the natural expansion of settlements, except in Bio Conservation Zone.

 Note: The width mentioned above for the area for natural expansion of the Gram Kantham 300 M wide belt outside these rural settlements shall be considered as R4 Zone to cater to the natural expansion of the settlements which is subject to changes as amended from time to time, except in Bio Conservation Zone.

                    PERI-URBAN USE ZONE

Areas earmarked as Peri-Urban Use Zone, around the identified ‘Urban Areas connecting to Growth Corridor’ and ‘Urban Nodes’ in the proposed Metropolitan Development Plan.

All types of Residential Buildings with ground coverage not exceeding 25%

Bird sanctuary 

Botanical/zoological garden 

Building and structures ancillary to use permitted in open spaces and parks subject to the total ground coverage not exceeding 5% 

 Camping grounds

                     COMMERCIAL USE ZONE 

Commercial Use Zone, including

Commercial Use along and neighboring the notified commercial roads and other related government orders issued from time to time, with activities allowed on payment of conversion charges and commercial impact fees as stipulated in the foregoing G.Os       

Strip commercial along roads as earmarked in the plan In all commercial strips earmarked along roads, activities allowed in the c category are allowed with impact fees. (All other stipulations/rules of G.O. 766 dated 18.10.2007 applicable)                                                                             

                                MANUFACTURING USE ZONE

Areas earmarked as Manufacturing Use Zone in the proposed Land Use Plan only.


Areas earmarked as Public, Semi-public Facilities and Utilities Zone in the proposed Land Use Plan, and the sites specifically earmarked for any such public/semi-public use.



 Bus passenger terminals

 Bus/truck terminals

 Clinics/Laboratories/Hospitals/ Dispensaries / Health/Primary centers


 Community halls

 Computer software units / IT-enabled services on independent plots of more than 1000 sq. mt size.

 Conference halls

 Cultural and religious buildings

 Dharamshala o Exhibition centers

 Fire stations/fire posts






 L P gas godowns


 Museums/art galleries


Specific regulations for all developments within Infrastructure & Facility Nodes (InFANs), specific to the locations as earmarked on the map:

i) Specific areas have been notified as infrastructure and facility nodes at various locations spread across the city to decentralize the activity, usage, and movement pattern. These will function primarily as nodes for public facilities, parking lots, bus terminus, police stations, fire stations, emergency service centers, and other multipurpose public facilities for the city.

ii) The combined site layout, buildings design, and built-up areas shall be regulated by the commissioner, GHMC duly consulting HMDA


Areas are earmarked as Multiple Use Zone in the proposed Land Use Plan, and areas identified for Transit-Oriented-Development, as defined by these regulations.

All activities permitted in Residential/commercial/Public & Semi-Public use zones

All activities except hazardous & polluting industries

Bus depot and workshop

Bus terminal, Truck terminal


Cold storage and ice factory


Loading and unloading spaces

Storage and depot of non[1]perishable and non-inflammable commodities and incidental uses


Wholesale business establishments


 Recreational Use Zone: Areas earmarked as Open Space Recreational in the proposed Land Use Plan, and the sites specifically earmarked as Parks, Playgrounds, and Exhibition Grounds.

 Open Space Buffer (Around foreshore of water bodies): Areas specifically earmarked as Open Space Buffer around the Water Bodies Use Zone containing various types of existing water bodies.


Water Body Zone generally indicates all water bodies, i.e. Rivers, Streams, Lakes, Tanks, and Kunta’s, as indicated in the Revenue Village maps as well as in the topographical sheets published by the Survey of India, or the State Irrigation Department or Revenue Department or other competent authorities. The boundary of the water bodies relates to the Full Tank Level / High Flood Level as indicated in relevant maps, covering both perennial and non-perennial parts when such distinction exists.


 All Reserved Forests as notified by the Forest Department. No activity other than forest and greenery is permitted in this zone unless expressly allowed by the Forest Department.


  1. Heritage Buildings and Precints
  2. (S1) b) Defense / Military Lands (S2)
  3. c) Bio Conservation Zone (S3)
  4. d) Others (Any other Special Reservations) (S4)

Note: The land use under Water bodies, Green buffer around water bodies, forests, and Bio[1]Conservation Use Zone are designated as PROTECTED ZONE and no change of land use shall be allowed in these categories of land uses.


 Areas beyond the Peri-Urban Use zone which is almost all over the remaining area of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region are earmarked as Conservation (Agriculture) Use Zone excluding the R3 Zone (Urban Centers) and R4 Zone, are earmarked in the proposed Land Use Plan.

 Note: Though the area around the rural settlements (earmarked as R4 Zone) is proposed to be Conservation Zone, a 300 M wide belt outside these rural settlements shall be considered as R4 Zone to cater to the natural expansion of the settlements, except in Bio Conservation Zone and the same shall not be considered to be part of Conservation Zone.


  1. Roads
  2. Railways /Railway station
  3. Bus Depots, Passenger/Freight Terminals
  4. Airport Transportation: Roads, Railways, Airports: Includes all the major road networks are earmarked in the proposed Metropolitan Development Plan and the sites specifically earmarked for related facilities like roads, railways, airports railway terminus, bus depots, truck terminals, and parking lots, and logistics Hubs (Bus Depots and Truck Terminals) and accessory uses/activities.

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